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An interactive workshop to help you identify the problem people are trying to solve and what influences their decision on how to solve it.

CEO Works is a peer-to-peer private group wherein advice always comes from like-minded people solving real problems and with experience in similar situations. This group provides you the space to get solid advice from your community peers, make connections, and learn from the best. CEO Works events typically start and end with approximately 15-20 minutes of networking and include either a presentation or discussion in between. Learn more and sign up here to join the group.

Presentation Description

Most products fail. Most startups fail. Why? It’s often not a matter of resources: Amazon’s Fire phone did not fail because of lack of them. We all tend to fall in love with a solution (a new product, a new business idea, etc.) instead of falling in love with the problem people are trying to solve. Massimo has been building software products for over 25 years and has used the Jobs-To-Be-Done framework as a way to avoid making that crucial mistake. This interactive workshop will take you through the key aspects of the framework. It’s for anyone that is running a business or looking to embark on a new one, and wants to increase their chances for success.

About the Presenter

Massimo Arrigoni

Massimo is a product-driven CEO with over 25 years of experience. He co-founded and led an e-commerce software company (Early Impact) and currently heads Beefree (https://beefree.io/) a no-code email and landing page builder within Growens (formerly MailUp Group). Throughout his career, Massimo has championed product-led growth and the Jobs To Be Done approach, making Beefree a perfect fit for his passion for product strategy. Connect on Linkedin.

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